Well, this past Saturday night we were doing some shopping in Knoxville, actually we were shopping for Craig a suit, yes you did read that correctly a suit. We will be attending a Masquerade Party at the end of this month and Craig still didn't have a suit, I had already purchased my gown, which is gorgeous, and our masks. So I decided that we should eat at Wasabi's, which Craig and I love to eat there, but hadn't taken the boys yet. So of course on our way there Hayden fell asleep. The parking lot was PACKED when we arrived so Craig went on in and put our name on the list, when he came back he said, "There is an hour wait, do you just want to leave and come back another night or do you want to stay." So we decided to wait, it would give Hayden time to get his nap in. So sure enough Hayden woke up about 15 minutes before our buzzer went off.
Riley was ready because he loves to help Daddy cook, so we had been telling him that the chef cooks right in front of us.They LOVED the fire, even though is sorta of scared them!
Needless to say, they had the time of their lives. As soon as we got them buckled in, Riley ask if we could got back tomorrow. They talked about it the rest of the night and told Nana all about it the next day. It is another priceless moments!!!
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