Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter 2008

So Easter Sunday the boys woke up and automatically ask if the Easter bunny had left them an Easter basket. So I proceed to tell them that he did, but they were hidden and they would have to find them. The real reason was because Daddy was still asleep, which NEVER happens, but he, like always, had worked alot! So I told them that as soon as Daddy woke up he would help them find them, so do you want to take a guess on how long it took them to wake Daddy up?

Then Nana showed up and delivered the baskets for the boys that the Easter Bunny left at Nana and Papaw's house....and they try to say they don't spoil the! So of course they had Daddy put together the train track!

Then Daddy made us breakfast, like usual! Then we dyed eggs! The boys really enjoyed it this year. Hayden got so excited that he knocked over the green dye cup and it spilled all over my leg and foot, so my leg, foot and toes where a lovely shade of green till it wore off!!!! One of those many rewards of being a Momma!

Here are a few that the boys colored, they haven't finished them yet!

After we finished the eggs, we decided to be lazy until Easter dinner was ready at Nana's, so Hayden took his nap, Riley and I laid on the couch and watched Sprout and Daddy got called out to work :(. Then it was time to go eat!!!! So we loaded up all the goodies I made, the baskets and eggs and Hayden had to take his 4-wheeler back over. I love holiday's at Mom and Dad's because we get to spend time with everybody, this year there was Luther, Angie, Tyler, Becca, Me, Craig, Riley, Hayden, Adrienne, Sonya, Roy, Heather, Jared, Preston, Brandy, Cory and Skyler! (I hope I didn't leave anybody out). After we filled out tummies so laid around and watched the UT men's basketball game, which had me on the edge of my seat! Thanks gosh they won!

Miss Skyler love to pose for me!!

Preston just thought since he was asleep he wouldn't get bothered, but he was wrong!
As most of my family know, you can't hide from me and my camera.

Of course he couldn't hide from Skyler either! I just love this pic!

So once I was done harassing the kids with my camera, we hid eggs! Well for some reason the boys wasn't very interested in playing. It was really cold out so that

Sorry I still haven't done the boys Spring pictures yet. We were waiting on nice weather, then Riley had an accident last Thursday that we are still trying to heal up from. He was outside riding his tricycle and was coming from my sisters house down the driveway to our house and flipped his tricycle 3 times. By the way, if you have never been to our house, he have an extremely steep driveway. So he had a major head laceration on his forehead and extreme road rash on his whole right side, even on his poor little face. We thought that he had broken his arm or some ribs but he didn't, he was just really really sore. Sorry I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of my poor baby in that kind of condition.

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