Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dad's Lil Helper

The boys have always wanted to be like Daddy, but Hayden is really going to extremes lately. This morning Craig was unloading some mulch before he went to work. As soon as Hayden realized that Dad was outside working, he wanted to go, so I dressed him and sent him out the door. Hayden immediately came back in and told me that he wanted his red shirt and tennis shoes on. I really didn't think much about the statement because lately he has been really picky about what he wears. So I went to his closets and found him a red shirt that he immediately approved. So we changed his shirt and shoes and was walking through the kitchen when he told me that he wanted his coffee. So I got one of Craig's coffee cups and put some orange juice in it. As soon as I opened the door, it hit me like a ton of brick. Hayden wanted his red shirt and tennis shoes on cause Daddy was wearing a red shirt and tennis shoes.


1 comment:

Family said...

That is soooo sweet!