So this morning a lady from TEIS came out to the house to do a developmental evaluation on Hayden. Since I am concerned with his speech, they have to perform that whole evaluation they can't just do one area. This is a program offered by the State of Tennessee to all children who do or may have developmental delays, regardless of financial status. Since this program is offered by the State, our insurance required them to evaluate Hayden before we do private speech therapy. For the simply fact that if the State deems that he is delayed then they will pay 100%, which means our insurance would not have to pay. So she came this morning to do his evaluation, and guess what....he scored on the charts as high as a 4 1/2 year old would and he is only 2 1/2. He is very intelligent on all his motor skills. YAY!!! Well, while she was here and doing all the tests on Hayden, Riley wanted to join in, so she evaluated him, just for fun....and guess what, he tested as high as a 7 year old and he just turned 4! She kept on telling me how amazed she was at both of them!!!!!! Well needless to say Hayden doesn't qualify for the State program, which I knew from the beginning but finally we can get into a private dr. Hayden's speech is getting way better since the tubes but Momma is still worried and don't want him to be behind, but after today's evaluation I'm not worried! Congratulations Riley and Hayden, my smart lil boys!
Well another exciting moment in the Hurley house, Riley starts Parents Day Out! We get to meet with his new teacher and tour his school next Thursday morning.
Riley will also be signing up for AYSO soccer on August 12!
This weekend we will be attending Craig's high school reunion, but before we leave for Virginia on Friday I am going to try to post some new pics.
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