Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our first scary trip to Children's ER!

Well yesterday was a very scary day for the Hurley family. To make an extremely long, detailed story short,we were in Knoxville at the DeRopp 25th Anniversary party, when Hayden started whining and saying that he wanted to go home. Then the whining turned into him gagging and telling us that his tongue was hurting. Within a few minutes his lips were white and lined blue, his eyes had huge dark circles around them and his whole body was limp. Now all this happened within 4 minutes. So Craig and I grabbed him up and ran to the van, by the time we got him to the van his color was starting to get a little better, but his lips were still blue. So we took off with flashers on, we were just off Alcoa Hwy, so we were minutes from Children's. So many thoughts and feelings were running through my head and my heart was pounding. Riley was scared to death, he didn't understand what was going on. I pulled up to the ER doors and Craig went running in with Hayden and I parked the van. So then I tried to explain to Riley what was going on so he wouldn't be so scared, then I realized I better call my Mom and let her know what was going on. So after 6 hours waiting and several tests later we were discharged home. Dr. Campbell told us that all his test results came back great. She said that Hayden likely had a vagal event, which caused his heart rate to drop due to the gagging he was doing, and that led to his syncopal episode.

Riley was taking care of his Bubba.

He was such a good patient.

His EKG.

He didn't even move during his CT.

Listening to Dr. Campbell, Riley actually took this picture.

Let us all pray that he continues to do well and this doesn't happen again.


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